Our unique career advisory practice is grounded in evidence-based approaches, incorporating career theories and tools, aiming for positive outcomes for the client regarding their career direction, decision, work and personal fulfilment.

Our clients are typically going through planned or unplanned career changes, planning for career growth or development or promotion, mid-career or later-career transition, returning to work after a career break.

We explore with our clients the 5 stages of a career change

  • Pre-contemplation » Contemplation » Preparation » Action » Maintenance

We guide our clients through a 3-step career advisory model

Who we are? How did we get here? (Current scenario)

  • Explore with client the current situation through a series of self-awareness conversations (personality, behaviour, strengths, blind spots, values, motivations),  psychometric assessments, career history conversations

Who we thought we should be? Who we hoped to become? (Preferred scenario)

  • Explore with client Possible Selves of their Career and Work Identities. Looking at career transition experiences, seeking purpose and meaning, experimenting with different career identities, options, opportunities. Starting to translate possibilities into realistic goals, and testing out motivations, considering the difficulties and choosing goals

How will we get there?

  • Work with client on strategising, finding best fit strategies, and turning strategies into concrete career change action plan